We are a non-profit partnership working to raise the necessary funds to make this statue a reality. A variety of events will be held and a set of quality collectible merchandise items will be produced and sold to raise the money needed for this costly but magnificent work. Our group consists of the 1) Veteran Boxers Association - Ring One, the original franchise of this national organization of retired boxers; 2) the Harrowgate Boxing Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit boxing gym that has become a haven for the youth of Philadelphia who seek a way out via boxing; 3) Philly Boxing History, an organization focused on remembering and honoring the great legacy of Philadelphia's fight game.

Born Carmine Orlando Tilelli on July 16, 1930 in Brooklyn, Joey hustled the real Giardello's ID so that he could join the Army at age 17. After being released, he relocated to South Philly and began his professional boxing career in 1948 without a single amateur bout.  It was a very successful undertaking. He became one of boxing's all-time best during his 101-25-7 career, and won the world middleweight crown by beating Nigeria's Dick Tiger at Convention Hall in Atlantic City. Giardello was a generation's favorite fighter who earned his success the old-school way - with hard work and persistence. Giardello, who passed away on September 4, 2008, was an icon to many, as well as a devoted father, husband, family man, and friend to many more.  Also see Joey Giardello.

LeVotch was commissioned by the group to create the statue of Giardello. He has created fine art all over the world including the popular boxing pieces "The Spirit of Boxing", "The End of the Ninth", and "The Briscoe Award".  LeVotch is a member of the Veteran Boxers Association and is a life-long boxing fan.

Located at 1920 East Venango Street near the Kensington section of Philadelphia, Harrowgate is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that is a full service boxing gym available to both amateur and professional fighters. Run by trainers Charles Sgrillo and John Gallagher, Harrowgate annually hosts the Holy Family Irish Boxing Team of Dublin, Ireland and promotes local amateur showcases.

The oldest organization of it's kind, Ring One was founded in 1936 by the forefathers of Philadelphia boxing. Its membership consists of former fighters and others involved in the sport who meet monthly at the VBA clubhouse, located in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia at 2733 East Clearfield Street (19134). This organization has been active in community affairs through the years and has built a solid reputation for its good work in and out of the boxing community. Charles Sgrillo is currently serving his second term as VBA President.

Founded in 2004 as a comprehensive web site focused on compiling the history of prize fighting in the city of Philadelphia, Philly Boxing History has shifted its efforts to include a Gravestone Program which places headstones on the unmarked graves of local boxers, and the Briscoe Awards, which honor the current Philadelphia fight scene as well as great fights and fighters of the past.

If you would like to make a contribution to the Giardello statue fund, please make your check or money order payable to: "
Giardello Statue Fund" and mail it to: Boxing Statue, P.O. Box 428, Sewell, NJ 08080.


To make a contribution, make your check or money order payable to:
"Giardello Statue Fund" and mail it to: Boxing Statue, P.O. Box 428, Sewell, NJ 08080