Our fund-raising efforts to create the statue have been completed. We appreciate the generous support
we received from everyone. It will be our responsibility to maintain and care for the statue year in and
year out once it is placed in South Philly. So we still need your support to make this happen.


To make this dream a reality, we need the assistance of everyone, including those who knew and loved
Joey, any fan of boxing, patrons of fine art, Philadelphia tourists, and members of our local community.
Please contact us to discuss becoming a part of this exciting project. We offer a variety of
participation packages. No contribution is too small (or too large!).
We ask for whatever help you can provide. 



To make a contribution, make your check or money order payable to:
"Giardello Statue Fund" and mail it to: Boxing Statue, P.O. Box 428, Sewell, NJ 08080