We thank all those who helped make this memorial
possible by donating to the
Philly Boxing History Gravestone fund in 2006:
Ralph Andracchio, Anonymous Donor, Elmer Bauer,
Hal Cohen, Phil Cohen, Terrance Coleman, Nigel Collins, Thomas Paine
Cronin, Dan Cuoco, Paul DellaVecchia, Jennifer & John DiSanto,
Robert & Tracy Hofstrom, Gypsy Joe Harris Sisters, Floyd Haskins,
Tyrone Hogan, Robert Levin, David Levinson, Gregory Lewis, McGuinness Funeral Homes, Thomas
O'Neill, Raymond Paquette, Dorothy Petner, Pride of Camden Elks Lodge #83, Richard Santore, Robert D.
Scott, Ernest Solomon, Charles Titano, Anthony Valenti, James P.
& VBA – Ring 1 |