Want information
about a particular fighter or event?
Philly Boxing History.com holds a huge newspaper &
clipping archive which is now available to the public for the very
first time. Our resources include clippings about Philadelphia-related
boxing topics from 1850 to the present. For a small research charge
($35), we
will locate the information you’re looking for, and send you copies of
everything we find.
Why camp out at the library when we’ve already
done it?
The core of our archive was compiled by historian
Chuck Hasson over the past 20 years. The archive itself is a massive
collection of information – more than 30,000 clippings! We don’t have everything - but almost.
$35 - Standard research charge for a particular
topic (name, date, etc.). This fee includes up to 10 pages of articles
and clippings. Some pages contain multiple articles or clippings
(see samples).
$1 – additional charge per page (beginning with the
$5 – optional charge to burn a CD containing your
information is also available.
FREE – Standard USPS shipping charges & e-mail
delivery are free. Expedited & International shipping are available for
an extra charge.
$ TBD – Quotes are available for broader topics
such as “Heavyweights”, “Championship Bouts”, “1952”, etc.).
$20 - High-quality reprints of original boxing
photos (please inquire).
Send an e-mail with the details of what you’re looking for. Use this Archive E-mail link:
Pay the $35 research charge via PayPal, check, credit card, or money order.
We do the research, and contact you with information about what
we found.
If more than 10 pages worth of material is found, we’ll quote a
price on the entire package of material (based on $1 per page charge).
You confirm the order and send the additional funds, if
We print your research material and send it to you (either by
standard mail or e-mail).
Please note that due to high volume, requests can take 8 weeks or more.
PayPal: Payment can be made with PayPal by
clicking the PayPal icon below. Just log in to your PayPal account,
select "send money" and use the e-mail address "donations@phillyboxinghistory.com"
as the
"recipient's e-mail".

Check or Money Order: If you prefer to pay with a check or money order,
send it to: Philly Boxing History Inc., P.O. Box 428, Sewell, NJ
08080. Please allow at least 8 weeks for delivery.
Credit Cards: To pay by credit card, please
call 609-377-6413. |